Are you finally ready to fall in love with taking care of yourself?

Hey, I'm Kristin- and I'm on a mission to help women BE STRONG so they can show up authentically and powerfully for themselves and those they love.

I know how hard it can be if you don’t enjoy all things fitness, if movement has always been something you have hated, if diets have been a part of your life forever.

I want you to know that it can be something that brings you absolute joy, and I want to help you fall in love with taking care of yourself, the joy of realizing you can do so much more.

I believe passionately that the improvement in your fitness is almost secondary. The confidence that you get every time you achieve something new spills over into everyday life, and you find yourself walking with a spring in your step, carrying yourself differently. And, making sure that your body is in the best shape possible to do the things with the people you love, and do all of the amazing things in life you want to achieve, is pretty special.

12 Weeks to create quantum shifts in your health, mind, body and soul.

Work with me on an intimate 1:1 Be Strong program, where we re-write your stories around your health, fitness and happiness. Using over 10 years of nutrition, fitness and behavior change strategies we change your habits to support the life and health that you want to create.

The program is highly intuitive and completely tailored to you and your needs.

Where you are now vs. Where you want to go.

Are you tired of pretending everything is fine while the candy wrappers in your car door tell a different story?

From the outside, it might seem like you have it all together, but deep down, you wake up each morning with thoughts of your weight, vowing to "be good" all day. You're tired of feeling puffy, your clothes not fitting right, and the constant preoccupation with food. It's as if the scale has the power to dictate your entire day's mood.

Imagine a different life – one where you wake up feeling comfortable in your own skin, effortlessly climbing stairs without losing your breath, getting excited when the camera comes out and saying goodbye to that dreaded 3pm slump. You don't really give AF about a six-pack; you just want to confidently embrace a bathing suit and do cool things with the people you love. You've tried every diet under the sun, yet the problem persists.

Why You Need This

Here's the truth: You can continue down the same old path, following the crowd and ending up in the same place three months from now, or you can choose something different – something that understands you on a deeper level.


The BeStrong Project isn't just another weight loss program, early morning bootcamp, or an unused $8/month app.

It's the missing piece of the puzzle.

While most programs focus solely on fitness and nutrition, we dig deeper. We address your mindset, your beliefs, and your unique lifestyle to pave the way for lasting transformation.

A true Behavior Change Program like no other.

This isn't about letting health and fitness consume your life; it's about simplifying the everything so you can finally get the results you deserve.

I've got your back, and I'm already on your side. Let's do this together!

The Recipts!





Hey Hey, its Me!


Susan- 18 lbs. Natalie- 16 lbs. Michelle C- 8 lbs. Maggie- 6 lbs. Jana- 11 lbs. Hilary- 13 lbs. Dawn- 8 lbs.

Cari- 9 lbs. Brooke- 7 lbs. Eren - 21 lbs. Anne- 12 lbs. Lisa- 14.7lbs. Kelsey- 26.8lbs. Katy- 8 lbs. Robin- 11.6 lbs

This is PERFECT for you if...

  • You want to get unstuck for good

  • You want to love how you look in the mirror when you get out of the shower.

  • You feel embarrassed and disgusted with yourself for letting it get this bad.

  • You want someone to straight up tell you what works and what doesn't.

  • You need a high level of accountability.

  • You are all over the place with your current exercise routine (or don't have one).

  • You have daytime discipline, but everything falls apart by evening.

  • You'll start on a a Monday, again.

  • You want to look forward to vacations and not have your first thought be about the way you look.

  • You want "spicy time with the lights on" level confidence.

  • You need simple.

  • You want freedom from obsessing about the scale, food or fitness.

  • You are willing to change.

  • Changing on the inside sounds good to you (mind, soul, heart).

A sense of belonging, a simple plan and accountability is what you need to lose the weight, be strong and feel good.

Does this sound like you?

Maybe you want to change but you don't know where to start or you're overwhelmed with too much information? You've tried things in the past and nothing has worked.


Do you constantly feel tired and wired? Do you feel so exhausted that the only way to survive is with caffeine or sugary snacks? Best friends with the 3pm slump?


Are you fed up with wanting to lose weight but never feeling like you don't have the bandwidth to make big changes?


Do you have initial success only for old habits to come back? Do you lose weight at the start but regain it all (and more!)?

Fed Up

Hi there- I'm Kristin

I get it, I was once in that same spot and had to figure it out on my own. So I created this program just for you.

I'm a huge a fan of simplifying everything. Fitness and nutrition are only complicated because we make it that way.

About me?

I have 3 amazing kids, 2 dogs, ADHD, and an obsession with lip gloss, sparkly things and 90's ghetto rap.

I grew up active in sports and loved the feeling of being strong and capable.

Think seventh grade bench press champ, Billy Blanks Tae Bo in my basement, fast AF on the swim team, lunges til' my legs burned before bed and wanna be gymnastics superstar.

I also learned that the comfort of others was more important than my own and became a people pleaser who didn't know who I truly was.

I always had this inner knowing that I was meant to show up big, but I spent all of my energy keeping myself small.

Like you, I tried SO MANY diet plans- including prescription drugs - looking for the solution that would be easiest and actually last.

I thought something was wrong with me, and knew the problem wasn't the diet plan- it was me. I felt stuck.

Part of my own path to discovering my power was getting back to feeling strong and fit. Yes, I needed to lose the weight but at the end of the day I was chasing a feeling.

That feeling of being the fastest on the swim team. The feeling of doing my first cartwheel. The feeling of slaying a solo in the school choir.

Now I come alongside and help you chase YOUR feeling. Think about it- what is one of your critical moments?

What I didn't realize was that I would always struggle with consistency if I didn't change my thinking and belief system. I took all the winding roads to get there so that you don't have to.

I've created a simple plan, because when things are too complicated, we quit. A strong body & mind is built by doing a handful of essential things extremely consistently.

In order to save YOU years of experimentation and failure, I've reduced the complicated world of "weight loss and fitness" down to a simple approach in The BeStrong Project.

The simplicity and freedom of this approach empowers you to eat well and lose weight in whatever capacity you life allows, which means you can show up and make consistent, long-term progress.

After all, when it comes to your health, the goal isn't only to lose the weight, but to be strong in every aspect of your life.

I created this program because women should be strong, capable & fit.

I help women discover their power because I know what it's like to not have any.

“But I’ve Tried Everything”

Nope, you think you have, but you haven't.

The good news is you can change anything.

I help you finally achieve your weight loss while becoming free from food and scale obsession.

Simple nutrition, fitness, heart centered coaching and a community that has your back.

Here's What you Get

The Be Strong Project is a simplified approach to weight loss and fitness so you can spend more time being the Queen you are and less time on and off the wagon.

Actually- we eliminate the wagon because Queens only ride in 1st class.

Weekly Lessons

A progressive plan with a simplified, no BS approach.

Mindset. Lifestyle. Habits. Fitness. Nutrition.

Coaching Calls

THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS. I will personally look you in the eye and help you overcome any sticking points, celebrate wins, and give you clarity on your steps that week.

Recipes & Meal Plans

Don't worry about complicated meal plans or meal prep. You'll learn how to design your own simplified week so you aren't obsessed with planning and prepping.


I will keep you accountable and help you stay on track for the whole program with weekly check-ins...and if you do get stuck, you can message me anytime!

Strength Training

I'll teach you how to get super strong with my abbreviated training method. Two strength workouts each week, around 30 minutes each.


YOU’LL HAVE FRIENDS! You’ll be on the same journey as others. Sharing, learning, and supporting one another as you lose the weight. You won’t go at this alone.

Lose 12-30 lbs in 12 weeks with a simple plan that you actually have time to do so you can regain your confidence, take back your energy without fad diets or hours in the gym.

  • Nutrition Plan – Eat better, feel better and lose weight!

  • Lifestyle Support – Improve more than just your diet. Learn to manage stress, improve your sleep and be a generally active person.

  • Bonus Resources - Get delicious meal plans and recipes and success guides.

  • Success Calls – Weekly online zoom sessions to answer your questions.

  • Accountability – With daily actions and weekly check-ins, we will help keep you on track for the whole program.

  • Community - Share your journey and swap tips and ideas with others.

I’ve been seeing a therapist for over a year. I have accomplished more working with you in 8 weeks than I have in our entire time together… I’ve talked a lot about changing things but I’ve never done anything actionable until we started working together.

- Eren Berry

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This is for any woman who wants this to be the last diet plan she ever starts. She feels stuck, is tired of her own BS and is ready and willing to be coached, stop making excuses, do the hard internal work and make change.

Where and Where are the Success Calls held?

All calls are held via a private Zoom link

Do you offer refunds?

Short answer, no. This program is heavily dependent up on the work you choose to do. While I cannot guarantee your participation, MY guarantee is that I will show up for you, provide the resources, knowledge and guidance for your success.

Do I need a gym membership?

No, but you do need to have access to basic gym equipment. If you are training at home, you'll want to have basic gym equipment- a simple set of dumbbells is adequate to get started. If you're already in the gym- we level up from where you are.

How are materials delivered?

You'll have your own login to a private app which has all the lessons, resources & guides. This is also where you record your stats such as weight, pictures and measurements. You can message me directly through the app, as well as connect with others in the group section!

What if I'm unable to attend the live group calls?

I know things can happen and schedules change. All group success calls are recorded.

We learn from other women while connecting and supporting. We might show up one week feeling great and on track, but then we hear someone share in a new way and a different perspective and your mind is blown.

You might find yourself inspired and empowered in a way you haven’t before. Within a group is a safe spot, a soft landing and a collective push for living an absurd level of greatness. There is no community like a community of women. Protective, Fierce, Powerful, Creative, Supportive.

What is the investment?

The cost of the 1:1 program is $2500 for 12 weeks.

Is there a payment plan option?

Pay in full $2500 or 3 payments of $833.

What if I'm Vegan or Vegetarian?

I prefer animal sources of protein. If this is super important to you, another program might be better suited. However, if you're knowledgeable in what swaps to make -you'll do just fine.

“But I Already Tried Eating A Calorie Deficit And It Didn’t Work”

Yes, because you didn’t do it for long enough to matter.

“But I Eat Very Healthy Food”

It doesn’t matter.

If you’re eating anything you want, you’re almost certainly eating a caloric surplus every day, regardless of what you’re eating.

“But If I Eat The Right Foods The Right Way, I Can Still Lose Weight Even If I’m Eating A Caloric Surplus”

Nope. If you’re not eating a caloric deficit every day, you won’t lose weight.

“But I Hate Exercise”

That’s OK. Exercise is not a good way to lose weight because it only burns about 20% of your total daily calories. Exercise to get strong, feel good, increase mood and heart health among other benefits- but enjoy the freedom of detaching your weight loss from your workouts so you never earn a donut again work off that pizza.

“But I’m Not Eating A Caloric Surplus”

Probably not true. Almost everyone eats a caloric surplus every day, even when they think they’re not.


Jessica's Got Her Life Back

Eren made major internal shifts.

Natalie lost 50 pounds

Lynn can't stop smiling!

Today, I truly realized what an awesome group this is to be a part of! Truly blessed and thankful for those of you who have the same goal as I do and for Kristin who is always striving to help us become healthier! Without her I wouldn’t be where I am today physically and mentally. It takes a lot of her to be there for each of us and to push us when we need it or helpful guidance in our eating choices! So keep working hard toward your goals and never give up no matter how long it takes you. We are strong!

- Dawn Kuhfeldt

Ready to Be Strong from the inside out??

Hey Babe-

I’m here to get real today. Having worked with hundreds of people on their weight loss journeys, I know what it takes for people to be successful. And I know what it takes to ensure failure.

You see…failure starts with that thing between your ears. Your brain. It makes up excuses as to why something isn’t possible or the right time or or why you can’t afford it or why it can’t work for you. And it’s so convincing that you believe it.

My goal is to eradicate that from your life so that you can truly level up.

Because honestly, I’m tired of watching people become victims to their own lives and circumstances. I’m here to help you take back control.

If you’ve failed to lose the weight or keep it off in the past, most likely the issue was lack of coaching and accountability.

Coaching changes lives and accountability keeps you on track.

I know you are questioning whether or not now is the time you can be successful. You want to lose the weight, but you’re afraid of giving up, of falling off the wagon, of starting over again…I've got your back and will set you up to begin that change for good.

I'm so proud of you for taking action towards your best life!

- Kristin

Still have Questions?

Happy to answer them for you! Simply email [email protected]

or DM on Instagram @kristinjohnsonfitness

Kristin Johnson Fitness © 2024

For support, email [email protected]

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